“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.”
This is a powerful quote by Brené Brown, Researcher-Storyteller. It comes to me today from one of our teacher trainees who shared with the group Brené Brown's TED Talk on The Power of Vulnerability. (Thank you, IM!) In the talk, Brené Brown talks about the true meaning of courage--how courageous people are willing to be vulnerable to say "I love you" first. She also talks about how some of us believe we are worthy of love and belonging, while others of us really struggle to feel that way. Every one of us has experienced some sort of rejection in our lives that might have led to feelings of unworthiness. We didn't get chosen for a job, or were let go from one. A clique in Junior High publicly excluded or shamed us. A breakup with a lover or friend. Conscious or unconscious messages from family. Some of us may feel like the proverbial "ugly duckling"-- the creature we are doesn't seem to fit in with the family that raises us. Tara Brach talks a lot about the Trance of Unworthiness. (Here is just one example.) Yoga gives us a sacred and safe space to connect with a sense of worthiness and belonging. We may not know everyone in the room intimately, but we are all there because yoga gives us something. We are a community of yoga lovers, everyone in class wishes us well--we all belong. With the spirit of play, we can try a pose and enjoy the "success" but equally enjoy when it doesn't work out. The point is to open to movement, breath and presence. We are worthy not because we can nail a fancy pose or have a perfect meditation session--we are worthy simply because we exist in our full, glorious expression that is uniquely us.
“Self-esteem is what we think and feel and believe about ourselves. Self-worth is recognizing ‘I am greater than all of those things.’ It is a deep knowing that I am of value, that I am loveable, necessary to this life, and of incomprehensible worth.” --Dr. Christina Hibbert
The teacher training student also shared a fantastic TED talk by America Ferrera, which complements this Brené Brown talk immensely. I am focusing on one talk for the purpose of this post- -- also because I have more to unpack with America Ferrera's talk. I highly recommend watching both.
May this practice open us to our deep knowing of our innate value, loveability and incomprehensible worth. 🙏
Quote: Dr. Christina Hibbert
TED Talk: The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown
Photo Credit: Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplas. . . #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yoganyc #nycyoga #Yogi #Balance #BodyPositive #Vinyasa #YogaLife #SelfLove #PracticeDaily #YogisOfIG #Yogaholic #MyYogaLife #wellness #mindfulness #meditation #healing #spirituality #self-love #self-care #dharma #maitri #metta #thisiswhatyogalookslike #bodypositiveyogateachers #yogateacher