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Whole Body Breath
It's not just a lung affair! Your whole body breathes when you breathe. One of my students said she was connecting more deeply to her...
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The Power of Affirmations - Dancing with the Shadow
A long time ago I trained in the 3-year Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy program. I don’t currently practice their techniques, per se, but I...
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Eightfold Path of Patañjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is perhaps the most celebrated yoga text, and for good reason. While the text was compiled for serious yoga...
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Same Train, Very Different Rides
We may be on the same train, but we’re experiencing very different rides. Many of my colleagues are fond of saying things like “We create...
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Everyday Mindfulness
The Holidays are upon us. Here are some simple everyday mindfulness techniques to help us take care of ourselves in the midst of what...
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You Are Worthy of Love and Belonging
“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.” This is a powerful quote by Brené Brown,...
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Positive Psychology Leads to Happiness
Barbara Fredrickson, PHD has been called “The World’s Leading Expert in Happiness.” She says that true happiness is not completely tied...
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Bhumisparsha Mudra: Unshakable Wisdom
This is an illustration of the temptation of the Buddha by Mara, the demon king (aka Lord of the Senses, aka Lord of Death). I am not...
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Avidyā, Spiritual Bypassing & Gaslighting
Avidyā = spiritual misunderstanding, not knowing, ignorance Avidyā is regarding the impermanent as permanent, the impure as pure, the...
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Contemplating the Eightfold Path of Patañjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is perhaps the most celebrated yoga text, and for good reason. While the text was compiled for serious yoga...
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The Art of Śavāsana
Full disclosure: I am writing this post in a mad dash before getting ready to teach, so consider this a preliminary exploration....
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Chanting the 10 Perfections & 4 Boundless States
The Pāramīs The Pāramīs, or perfections are qualities the Buddha cultivated within himself in order to reach enlightenment. According to...
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