The Pronunciation Project -
Supporting Yoga Teachers, Practitioners and Enthusiasts in Honoring Yoga’s Roots with Skillful Sanskrit Pronunciation
Any videos referenced in this document are provided for the sole purpose of practicing pronunciation. I do not claim to agree or disagree with any asana instructions or opinions in said videos.
Yoga to Master the Mind by Anjani Gharpure
Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide from The Yoga Sūtras Patañjali by Satchidananda
Yoga 108 – A Yoga App with Diacritical Marks and audio pronunciations
Acknowledgment and Gratitude:
Most of these links are the work of Anjani Gharpure, author of Yoga to Master the Mind. She has created many wonderful teachings on asana pronunciation, as well as many other lessons, guided meditations and mantra chanting. Anjani has kindly given me permission to share her lessons on my media. You can visit her YouTube Channel directly.
I compiled this list for ease of seeing the terms with their diacritical marks, my interpretation of the diacritical marks, and links to Anjani's YouTube offerings. Her work is the real work. When I could not find a term in her lessons, I tried to find another link.
Before we get to Āsana, let’s practice the Yamas and Niyamas.
Pronounced: YUH-muh .
Yama - The 8 Limbs of Yoga - Ashtānga Yoga Sanskrit pronunciations
Pronounced: NEE-yuh-muh
Niyama - The 8 Limbs of Yoga - Ashtānga Yoga Sanskrit pronunciations
Yoga Āsana
Yo-guh AH-suh-nuh
The “guh” is almost silent.
Pronounce the words “Yoga” and “Āsana”: Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Yoga meaning union, to yoke, connection
Adho Mukha Śvānāsana
Downward Face Dog Pose
uhd(h)O MUK(h)a shvah-NAH-suh-nuh
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - The Right Way to Yoga
Adho Mukha Vṛkṣāsana
Downward Facing Tree Pose, a.k.a. Handstand
uhd(h)O MUK(h)a v(l)rick-SHAH-suh-nuh
Sanskrit pronunciations for Yoga - Vṛkṣāsana
Fire Log Pose
Pronunciation Lesson -- Yoga with Anjani - The Right Way to Yoga
Pronunciation & Instruction: Siddhi Yoga
AHN-juh-nay AH-suh-nuh
Ānjaneya means Son of Anjanā - one of many names for Lord Hanumān
Pronunciation Lesson -- Yoga with Anjani - The Right Way to Yoga
Ardha Candra Cāpāsana
Sugarcane Pose
ARD-huh CHUN-dra chuh-PAH-suh-nuh
Ardha means half. Candra means moon. Cāpa means Bow. The Goddess Lalita had a bow made of sugarcane. Sugarcane Pose
Pronunciation Lesson -- Yoga with Anjani - The Right Way to Yoga
Bakāsana (Crane) and Kakāsana (Crow)
Crane Pose - Sanskrit pronunciations for Yoga
Cakrāsana aka Ūrdhva Dhanurāsana
Ūrdhva Dhanurāsana means upward facing Bow. Cakrāsana means Wheel.
Oord(h) vuh Dhuh nuu RAH suh nuh or Chuh KRAH suh nuh
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Baddha Koṇāsana
Bound Angle Pose
BUH-d(h)uh Ko-NAH-suh-nuh
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Frog Pose
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Wild Thing Pose aka "Rockstar"
Cs always sound like ch
Camatkāra means surprise, astonishment, show
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Caturaṅga Daṇḍāsana
Catur (Four) aṅga (limb). daṇḍa (staff) āsana (pose)
CHUH-tur-UHNG-ga duhn-DAH-suh-nuh
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - The Right Way to Yoga
Eka Pāda Rājakapotāsana, Kapotāsana, Sālamba Kapotāsana
Pigeon Pose Variations
AY-kuh PAH-duh RAH-juh-ku-po-TAH-suh-nuh
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Eagle Pose
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Jānu Śīrṣāsana
Knee Head Pose
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Garland Pose / Squat Pose
Mālā is Garland. The original Mālāsana in Light on Yoga–the arms are like a garland wrapped around the legs. I was taught that any squat with the knees wide apart is a variation of Garland.
Anjani says that squat pose is not Mālāsana, but rather, Malāsana–Mala means Dirt.
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Cat/Cow Poses
Mārjārī - Female Cat āsana = pose
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
I no longer use the word Namaste in my classes because the word has been misused and mispronounced for decades. Many people from South Asia and of South Asian descent find the misuse of the word offensive. If you choose to use the word, please note that the word is often used as “hello” –so it is not appropriate to use at the end of a yoga class. It is also used in special situations for elders, not necessarily in casual settings.
Rina Desphande teaches pronunciation
To read more, I have a blog post
Boat Pose
Pronounce: Nah-VAH-suh-nuh
Parivṛtta Trikoṇāsana
Rotated Triangle Pose
Puh-ree-V(L)RIT-uh Tree-koh-NAH-suh-nuh
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Pronunciation & Instruction: Siddhi Yoga
utthita meaning "extended", parsva meaning "side or flank", kona meaning "angle" and asana meaning "posture or seat".
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Pronunciation & Instruction: Siddhi Yoga
colloquially called Pyramid Pose
Diacritical marks & translation from Iyengar
Pārśva = side or flank
Ut = intense
Tan= to stretch, extend, lengthen
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Pronunciation & Instruction: Siddhi Yoga
Paschimottanasana comes from the Sanskrit words paschima (पश्चिम, paścima) meaning "west" or "the back of the body";[3] uttana (उत्तान, uttāna) meaning "intense stretch" or "straight" or "extended";[4] and asana (आसन, āsana) meaning "posture" or "seat"
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Piñcha Mayūrāsana
Peacock Feather Pose
Colloquially known as Forearm stand
PIN-chuh muh-yoo-RAH-suh-nuh
Piñcha = feather Mayūra = peacock
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Prasārita Pādottānāsana
Yoga Asana Sanskrit pronunciation for - Wide-legged forward bend
Locust Pose
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Pronunciation & Instruction: Siddhi Yoga
Corpse pose
Tāḍa = Mountain. Āsana = pose
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - The Right Way to Yoga
Upaviṣṭa Koṇāsana
Wide Seated Forward Bend
Upavista means open, Kona means angle
Pronunciation & Instruction - Shakti Shilpa - The Yoga Space
Ūrdhva Dhanurāsana, aka Cakrāsana
Ūrdhva Dhanurāsana means upward facing Bow.
Cakrāsana means Wheel.
Oord(h) vuh Dhuh nuu RAH suh nuh
Chuh KRAH suh nuh
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana
Ūrdhva = Upward, mukha = face, śvāna = dog, āsana = pose
OORd(h)-va mukha shvah-NAH-suh-nuh
Sanskrit pronunciation for Yoga - ūrdhva mukha śvānāsana
Ūrdhva Prasarita Eka Pādāsana
Standing Split Pose
Ūrdhva=upward. Prasarita = spread out. Eka = One Pāda = Foot Āsana = pose
OORd(h)vuh pruh-SAH-(l)rituh AY-kuh pah-DAH-suh-nuh
Camel Pose
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Utkata Koṇāsana
(Goddess Pose, Devi Pose)
OOT–kuh–tuh ko-NAH–suh-nuh
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Utthān Pṛisṭhāsana
colloquially known as Lizard Lunge Pose
Utthān or Utthāna? Sources differ. Light on Yoga says Utthāna means intense stretch.
utthāna pṛshṭhāsana - Yoga pose meaning & pronunciation
“In Sanskrit, ‘uttan’ = ‘stretch deep out’, and ‘pristha’ = ‘back of the body’, and ‘asana’ = ‘posture’. Utthan Pristhasana, is also called Lizard Pose. Lizards have a great flexible upper body and hence the back of the body in this posture resembles the stretched out lizard. And the practice of the same is said to bring the very same flexibility and suppleness in the back and the various muscles involved.
Lizard Pose is considered a base pose as lizard pose variations can be derived from this pose.Lizard Pose helps boost energy in the body and hence can be included in flow yoga sequences.” Tummee
Sanskrit dictionary says prstha is page
I heard it was called lizard because lizards often walk with same side arm and leg, but then I see youtube videos of lizards walking contralateral
Where did this pose come from? I can’t find it in Light on Yoga
Ut= Intense. tān=stretch, lengthen. āsana=pose
Pronunciation Lesson: Yoga with Anjani - The Right Way to Yoga
Utthāna Śīśoḥsāsana
Puppy Pose
According to this dictionary, Śiśu or śiśuḥ= the young of any animal
According to this dictionary Śiśoḥ means baby
I am guessing that the diacritical marks would be Śīśoḥsāsana
ooh-TAH-nuh SHEE-shosuh-nuh
Pronunciation & Instruction: Siddhi Yoga
According to Light on Yoga, Utthāna means intense stretch
Utthita Hasta Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana
Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
oo-TEET-(h)uh huh-stuh pah-daan-goosh-TAH-suh-nuh
T with the dot under it is like “paint house”. You hit the t a little harder. S with the dot under it is an SH sound. A is always like the a in soda, unless there is a line atop, in which case it is like the ah in father.
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
To place in a special way
Side Plank Pose
According to wikipedia
The name of the pose comes from the Sanskrit उत्थित Utthita extended, वसिष्ठ Vasiṣṭha, a sage,[1] and आसन āsana, "posture" or "seat".[2][3]
The pose is not described in the medieval hatha yoga texts. It appears in the 20th century in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga of Pattabhi Jois.[4]
I scanned light on yoga and couldn’t find it in the pose list
Pronunciation Lesson - Yoga with Anjani - the Right Way to Yoga
Hero Pose
Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose) Benefits, How to Do by Yogi Tara - Siddhi Yoga
Vīrabhadrāsana I, II, III
Warrior Pose I, II, III
I copy and pasted a virabhadrasana article from yoga international onto a google doc to discuss the story of Virabhadra
Also here is another account
Tree Pose