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Music for Meditation & Yoga


  • Spotify:  You can also check out my Spotify playlists. The top few playlists are excellent for meditation, as well as movement.  Further down the list are more varied playlists, but I'm not there to skip tracks if the tempo of the class changes before the playlist.


I cannot play music over streaming services.  If you enjoy music, I recommend you play music softly from a device on your end.  Not the same device you're streaming the class from.

Yoga Terms Pronunciation Guide

Yoga is a set of tools for working with the mind and heart to find harmony with our selves, each other and the world.  Yoga does not belong to any one people, and is not limited to any one religion, though it evolved alongside and influenced many religions.


Anyone can use the tools of yoga for personal growth.  


Yoga began in South Asia.  Sanskrit is the sacred language of Yoga.  We honor the roots of yoga and the culture in which it arose by using Sanskrit terms when we can.


Pronouncing Sanskrit words does not come easily for everyone.  Many yoga texts have been printed and distributed without including the important diacritical marks to help guide pronunciation. 


As a new teacher, I made a point of learning the Sanskrit pronunciations well.  But over time, without looking at the words regularly, my pronunciation slipped.


In an effort to support myself in re-committing to pronouncing yoga terms with care, I developed a list of yoga terms with links to YouTube videos of South Asian voices pronouncing the words.


This list is a work in progress.  As of now, it is mostly a list of Ä€sanas (Poses).  


Some of us may have some anxiety around using Sanskrit terms.  We should approach it with the same attitude we use with our movement practice.  We do our practice because we love it, and it gives us something we find valuable.  We do the practice even though we may not be perfect.  Every day is a new experiment.  It takes practice to find our way in a yoga pose.  It may take practice to learn to pronounce the Sanskrit terms for the poses.  The joy is in the practice.




Image for Chakra Meditation

Theologue, by Alex Grey


Visionary Artist and Leader

The union of human and divine consciousness weaving the fabric of space and time in which the self and its surroundings are embedded.

Kundalini Class Closing Meditation

Chintamani’s Top 5 Inspirational Resources


1)  Downloadable/Streamable Dharma Talks: –Check out Steve Armstrong!  

     [If this link doesn’t  work, copy and paste this url into the search field]


2)  How to Meditate–  A Gradual Awakening by Stephen Levine


3)  Heartfelt, Juicy Translation of the Yoga Sutras– How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali by

     Swami Prabhavananda, Christopher Isherwood and Patanjali


     [You might also want to check out the classic variation as well:  The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on

     the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda]

4)  Shambhala: Sacred Path of the Warrior, Chogyam Trungpa 


5)  Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization by David Frawley


More Meditation Resources:


  • Breath by Breath: The Liberating Practice of Insight Meditation, Larry Rosenberg

  • Mindfulness in Plain English, Updated and Expanded Edition, Bhante Henepola Gunaratana


Yoga Philosophy Resources:




Pilates and Yoga for Pregnancy and Postpartum--Safe, Trusted Information




Yoga Prop Recommendations


For Regular Yoga, I recommend everyone have a Yoga Strap at the very least.  Ideally you have 2 blocks as well.


If you take Pilates or Core Yoga, Pilates rings are great.




Yoga Straps:

Any yoga strap is fine for my class, but if you are 6 feet tall or taller, you will need a strap that is 8 or 10 feet long.  My boyfriend is just 6 feet and tall and feels fine with an 8 foot strap.


If you are planning to use your strap for a quadricep stretch, you may want to invest in a good quality strap.  Hugger Mugger  is a brand I can recommend.  Gaiam I do NOT recommend.  The difference is the buckle quality is good with Hugger Mugger and Terrible with Gaiam.


if you don't plan to use the buckle, any strap is fine.  Just get a longer strap if you are 6 feet or taller.


Yoga Blocks

Yoga Blocks need to be 4x6x9 or bigger.  Skinny yoga blocks are not stable.  You can pick any color or material you want.  There are eco-friendly options.


Pilates Ring

This is a good one, good price, multiple color options



Washable Yoga Blanket (Optional)

This is a good one


Elastic Exercise Bands

Latex Free Beginners Theraband Kit  --  $16.99  This has 3 different levels so you have the option to work harder or lighter depending on how you feel that day.


If you have arthritis in your hands

Some people find it uncomfortable to grip the TheraBand because they don't have handles.  If this is a concern for you, you might try the CLX TheraBand.  It has loops all over it so you can put the loops over your hands without curling your fingers.


I would try the Red level . . .Here is the Link to the CLX


Even more prop recommendations on my blog


Link to my video explaining most of these props

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