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Nāḍī Śodhana Prāṇāyāma
Nāḍī Śodhana Prāṇāyāma -- Also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing -- is a popular breathing technique in modern yoga in the West. ...
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Virasana Bad! Knees Good!
I started this post to raise awareness about the risks of practicing Virasana, but it's evolving into a love letter to the Truly Awesome...
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Light on "Crow Pose"
I've been teaching yoga for a very long time, and I've gone to lots of yoga classes. As far as I can recall, in NYC this pose has always...
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Upper Back Tight and Stuck? Try This!
This Video was recorded in time lapse for amusement. The actual routine is done slowly with relaxed, even breathing. This routine...
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Everyday Mindfulness
The Holidays are upon us. Here are some simple everyday mindfulness techniques to help us take care of ourselves in the midst of what...
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You Are Worthy of Love and Belonging
“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.” This is a powerful quote by Brené Brown,...
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Avidyā, Spiritual Bypassing & Gaslighting
Avidyā = spiritual misunderstanding, not knowing, ignorance Avidyā is regarding the impermanent as permanent, the impure as pure, the...
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