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Chant: Lead Me from Darkness to Light
In honor of Diwali, the celebration of light over darkness, I am chanting the Pavamana Mantra this week. Won't you join me? Many people...
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Honoring 9/11
Today is the 21st Anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. We pause to remember that “perfect blue sky morning” that suddenly changed our world...
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Eightfold Path of Patañjali
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is perhaps the most celebrated yoga text, and for good reason. While the text was compiled for serious yoga...
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Lizard Pose
Much yoga is often taught by word of mouth. If your teacher tells you "this body shape is called Lizard," why question it? Alas, many...
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Let's Talk About Downdog
Adho Mukha Śvānāsana, a.k.a. Downward-Facing Dog is a beneficial yoga posture. It stretches and strengthens many parts of the body, and...
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Pelvic Floor
The Pelvic Floor In Core Yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we do pelvic floor exercises. A couple weeks ago someone asked me to clarify...
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Nail Polish Disposal, Safety & More
Did you know the U.S. EPA considers Nail Polish to be a Household Hazardous Waste? Tossing the bottle into the trash or recycling bin...
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Nāḍī Śodhana Prāṇāyāma
Nāḍī Śodhana Prāṇāyāma -- Also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing -- is a popular breathing technique in modern yoga in the West. ...
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Virasana Bad! Knees Good!
I started this post to raise awareness about the risks of practicing Virasana, but it's evolving into a love letter to the Truly Awesome...
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Light on "Crow Pose"
I've been teaching yoga for a very long time, and I've gone to lots of yoga classes. As far as I can recall, in NYC this pose has always...
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What is Yoga? Part 1
Yoga is a vast topic and you can't define it in one short blog post. Think of this as an introduction. What is Yoga? There are many...
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Same Train, Very Different Rides
We may be on the same train, but we’re experiencing very different rides. Many of my colleagues are fond of saying things like “We create...
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Upper Back Tight and Stuck? Try This!
This Video was recorded in time lapse for amusement. The actual routine is done slowly with relaxed, even breathing. This routine...
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Uṣṭrāsana: Camel Pose
Uṣṭrāsana means Camel Pose. 🐪 My back does not like Uṣṭrāsana anymore. But I like this variation! It is often called Ardha Uṣṭrāsana...
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Are Backbends "Heart Openers"?
In addition to my personal classes and private clients, I teach at a yoga studio. Every month we have a "pose of the month" which I...
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The Story of My First Jamaican Fruit Cake
Many people in the U.S. hate fruit cake and dread receiving it as a gift. Jamaican Fruit Cake, a.k.a. "Black Cake" is completely...
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Everyday Mindfulness
The Holidays are upon us. Here are some simple everyday mindfulness techniques to help us take care of ourselves in the midst of what...
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These Great Vows are Universal
One of the most loved yoga texts is the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali. A book of small meditations, which put together create a full tapestry...
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Goddess Pose and the Divine Feminine
This post is going to be evolving over time. I am just beginning a project of inquiry into Utkaṭa Koṇāsana, known colloquially as Fierce...
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You Are Worthy of Love and Belonging
“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.” This is a powerful quote by Brené Brown,...
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